Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental compartments in the Danube river basin
Data collectors:
Data manager:
Project members:
- 1. International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
Romanian Waters National Administration
Jožef Stefan Institute
- 4. Water Research Institute (WRI), Slovakia
- 5. Center for Eco-Toxicological Research Podgorica
- 6. Bulgarian Water Association
TU Wien
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Environment Agency Austria
University of Zagreb
Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
- 12. Josip Juraj Strossmayer Water Institute
Description of the dataset
The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different environmental compartments:
- river water (water and suspended sediments)
- ground water
- waste water (treated and untreated) and sewage sludge
- storm water runoff from combined and separate sewer systems
- atmospheric deposition
- soil
Data from many different data sources were collected, cheked and combined and meta data were harmonized to allow for a combined data evaluation.
Technical specifications
The SQL-file was exported from a PostgreSQL 15.2 data base and compressed using 7zip into a zip-file (
Text-encoding is UTF-8.
Supplementary files
A short documentation (documentation_inventory_db_V2.0.pdf) and a listof known issues with the data which could not be resolved before publication (List_of_known_issues_V2.0.pdf) are enclosed as PDF files.
Version 2.0.1
During creation of Version 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 there was an processing error in the coordinates of atmospheric deposition and soil sampling sites leading to identical values for latitude and longitude for some sites. This was fixed in version 2.0.1.
Version 2.0.0
This Version 2.0.0 of the database contains more data as for further data sets a publication agreement was reached and some data were reimported to resolve some errors created during data preparation for import. The database structure was extended and corrected at different points, leading to an improved data model.
Additional details
Additional titles
- Subtitle (English)
- Output of Danube Hazard m³c, an Interreg project in the Danube Transnational Programm
Related works
- Is new version of
- Dataset: 10.48436/q5rca-4tz18 (DOI)
- Is supplement to
- Journal Article: 10.1186/s12302-024-00862-4 (DOI)
- Collected