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Published May 31, 2024 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Mobility Market Indicators and Macroeconomic Indicators for the MaaS Status Index (MSI) in Austria (2017-2028)

  • 1. ROR icon TU Wien


Dataset description

The datasets include mobility market indicators and macroeconomic indicators for Austria, which were used to calculate the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Status Index (MSI). The MSI evaluates the readiness and potential for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Austria. The datasets cover two distinct periods: 2017-2022 (T1) and 2023-2028 (T2). The indicators include annual revenues, vehicle costs, number of users, market shares, GDP per capita, urbanization rates, and investments in transportation infrastructure, among others.

Context and methodology

Each indicator is represented by the average annual growth rate, a mean value, and a normalized mean value (min-max-normalization) for period T1 and T2. The data were sourced from Statista (2024)

Technical details

The dataset contains two Microsoft Excel files (one for mobility market indicators, one for macroeconomic indicators). Other than Microsoft Excel, there is no additional software needed to investigate the data.



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