Published October 7, 2022 | Version 1.0.0
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Manufacturing Settings Technical Demo files for CO-VERSATILE Project

  • 1. ROR icon High Speed Sustainable Manufacturing Institute (United Kingdom)


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MS 1,2,3: training manual for re-useable silicone mask production (PDF)

  1. For MS 1,2,3 a manual of operation in 3DPDF format has been developed to be supplied alongside the moulding machine and is aimed at supporting employees of the companies who will be using mask-producing machines. Leibniz Universität Hannover has been collaborating with HSSMI towards the development of a 3DPDF e-manual that includes information on both the mask and the moulding process. Although the e-manual is ready, its current form reflects the maturity level of the reusable silicone mask. The design drawings of the serial mask are expected to be finalised in July 2022 by ML Engraving, SKM Aeronautics and ORP STAMPI SRL which will then require the MS 1-2-3 training manual to be updated by HSSMI with the new image of the mask.

MS 4: training manual for the electrostatic disinfectant spray (PDF) and the video of the model of the disinfectant spray in real engine with instructions (mp4)

  1. For MS 4, with the aim to support the end user of the spraying device, three different outputs have been developed:
  2. a digital user guide in a 3DPDF format on how to operate the disinfectant spraying equipment.
  3. a video created using a gaming engine for a better visualisation of the spraying device's features and functionality, and instructions on how to operate it (developed again under the coordination of HSSMI)
  4. The 3DPDF dataset has been imported into the SPACE1 environment from ENG and specific training sessions for MS4 have been built. The tool allows to enhance the support given to the operator exploiting SPACE1 functionalities: (i) the "Extended Collaboration" feature displays online colleagues/technicians which can provide real-time support to the operator; (ii) the "Work Orders" feature supports the operator carrying out spraying system maintenance tasks by digital instructions; (iii) the "Knowledge Repository" allows to find a knowledge item and access the related data to learn or find information the operator needs; (iv) "Search Asset" allows to  capture an asset or scan a barcode of the object that needs maintenance to display additional data and information;

MS 5: medical ventilator assembly guide (PDF)

  1. For MS 5, the training package includes an operator training manual in 3DPDF to aid scaling up the production of DEMCON medical ventilators according to the market demand. A very comprehensive work instructions manual and the CAD of the ventilator have been provided by DEMCON, and HSSMI created the instruction showing the ventilator assembly process from start to finish on a high level, focussing on the most critical job steps identified by DEMCON to become a part of the 3DPDF manual.

MS 6: instructions manual of the face mask-making machine (PDF) and the face mask-making machine model in a gaming engine (Unreal Engine) (exe)

  1. The training package for MS 6 is a manual of operation and maintenance in 3DPDF format intended to be supplied alongside the machine in order to support employees of future adopters of this equipment. Face mask machine operator instructions and the CAD of the machine was provided by DEMCON and, under the coordination of HSSMI, the work resulted in a comprehensive digital manual containing the details about all five machine modules alongside the supporting operator instructions.

MS 7: external links to two interactive guides (created using Rise 360 App)

Best Practice for Robot Systems interactive guide:

Flexibility in Robot Cells interactive guide:

  1. An important goal for MS 7 in terms of training was to share the knowledge that MTC is building up around the SCALP robotic cell setup, upgrade and modelling with other companies willing to implement the same or similar solution. The document detailing best practices for robot systems has been provided by MTC covering questions on how to select, design, install and commission a robot in a production facility. An interactive guide systemising those best practices has been created by HSSMI. The interactive guide has been created using the app called Rise 360. It is a web app that allows to create responsive e-learning with intuitive features in the web browser. The created interactive guide comprises 5 main sections: General Definitions, Design, Installation, Commissioning and Summary. In order to make the guide more effective, MTC worked on simplifying and re-wording the original best practice document; and to make the learning more interactive, they have provided various images and animations that HSSMI then embedded into the guide.


  • MS1,2,3                Mask Mould Machine                  3DPDF with Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • MS4                      Disinfectant Sprayer                    Video Demo with Technostatic
  • MS5                      Ventilator                                     3DPDF with Demcon
  • MS6                      Mask Machine                             3DPDF & Unreal Engine with Demcon
  • MS7                      Rise 360                                      Web app for online tutorial about Manufacturing Robotics with MTC



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Horizon 2020 101016070
European Commission

