Published December 6, 2020 | Version 5.0
Report Restricted

Initial Measure, Learn and Plan of the Manufacturing Settings

Kiss, Tamas1
  • 1. ROR icon University of Westminster


CO-VERSATILE implements its Manufacturing Settings based on a highly agile approach. The implementation is performed in six iterative cycles, each including build, measure and learn phases (Build-Measure-Learn = B-M-L). As the first build cycle is planned to start at the very beginning of the project, intensive preparation for that cycle was required in the time between the submission of the project proposal and the official kick-off of the project. This deliverable presents the results of these preparatory activities.

The detailed specification and requirements of each Manufacturing Setting were collected first, followed by the evaluation of these requirements and detailed discussions with the supporting Competence Centers. The outcome of these discussions is a plan that outlines the first Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that will be implemented as an outcome of the first B-M-L cycle and matches the Manufacturing Settings with Competence Centers that will support them in the implementation.

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This document is only available to the members of the CO-VERSATILE consortium. For further information please contact the project PI Robert Lovas/SZTAKI via



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January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023